The FBI searched Wyndemere and found an incriminating inventory list detailing the missing diamonds. Hayden claimed that she’d never seen the list, so the FBI decided to have the document examined for DNA, but they warned Hayden not to leave town. When Jason learned that Nikolas and Liz had known the truth about his identity for months, he left Liz. When he encountered Nikolas, Nikolas provoked Jason into a physical altercation that ended with Nikolas tumbling over the balcony of the Metro Court Restaurant. Luckily, the scaffolding broke Nikolas’ fall, and Liz was on hand to render first aid until Nikolas was rushed to the hospital.

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Although Lucky was listed as the father, Helena changed the results because she liked the idea of a Cassadine raising a Spencer. Things were strained between Nikolas and Liz because they each carried guilt over the pain that they had caused Lucky, but they learned to get along for the baby’s sake. On July 19, 2010, Liz gave birth to a baby boy that she named Aiden Alexi Nikolosovich Cassadine. Rebecca was taken in by the Quartermaines and given a position at General Hospital.

My parents also owned Gregg’s “The 21 Rules of This House,” which included “We love God” and “We tell the truth,” complete with posters of each rule to stick around the house. Gregg and Sono’s children include authors Alex and Brett, twins I knew then through the Home School Legal Defense Association’s high school debate league, another major homeschooling network of the era. In 1997 Multnomah Publishers released I Kissed Dating Goodbye, a book Harris had written when he was just twenty-one years old. In this book he tells why he rejected dating in favor of courtship, and he calls on his readers to do the same.

Meanwhile, Helena decided to test Nikolas’ loyalty by ordering him to kill Liz. With some help from Laura and Sonny, Nikolas and Liz staged her death. Despite her best efforts, Gia couldn’t give up on Nikolas, and she walked in the charade just as Liz woke up from the drug that had made it appear that she had died. Desperate to be a part of his child’s life, Nikolas proposed marriage to Katherine. After Katherine recovered, she and Stefan became engaged. Nikolas was happy for the couple because he liked Katherine as a friend, and he knew that she would be good for his uncle.

I Kissed Dating Goodbye By Joshua Harris. 9781590521359

Nikolas also began to rebuild his relationship with Katherine, which had turned romantic. The shooting left Nikolas with Broca’s aphasia, and he was unable to speak for a long period of time. During his recovery, Nikolas became depressed and shut Sarah out because he was ashamed to see her. One person that Nikolas did respond to, though, was Robin Scorpio. They developed a bond of friendship as Robin helped him with his speech therapy. Stefan, however, did not approve of Nikolas’ relationship with Robin.

But does he honestly think that people can’t get their hearts broken in other relationships besides dating? If you end a courtship, and you are seriously thinking about marriage, your heart would get broken too. My friendship with my best friend ended in high school, and crushed me ten times more than any breakup I had with a guy. Relationships with ANYONE, of any means, are risk, and instead of trying to avoid that risk by following rules, we should embrace them and learn from each other.

Nikolas convinced Britt to celebrate their engagement with a formal party at Wyndemere. Desperate to stop Nikolas from making a mistake, Liz admitted to Nikolas that she was in love with him. She asked Nikolas to give her another chance, but he turned her away because he believed that his future was with Britt. As the date of the party drew near, Nikolas experienced a vision of Emily, and she questioned his feelings for Britt and Liz. However, on the night of the party, Liz made the shocking announcement that Lulu was Ben’s biological mother, and that Britt had stolen one of Lulu and Dante’s frozen embryos to pass the child off as Patrick Drake’s. Together Nikolas and Britt rescued her son and they bonded over their dysfunctional families.

Summer teamed up with Luke and Lucky to try to find her ex-boyfriend, and Nikolas followed them, but it was all for naught because they soon discovered that the coins had been worthless. Nikolas’ next friendship was with Katherine Bell, whom he first met when she went to Wyndemere, the Cassadine castle on Spoon Island, looking for location shots to use in an ad campaign for her company, Deception Cosmetics. When Laura faked her own death to escape the Cassadine threats, Nikolas ran straight to Katherine.

And I am not the only one working out the threads of this Gordian knot. Nearly 20 years after publication, Harris has recently begun distancing himself from the book. It inspired both praise—from the likes of purity matriarch Elisabeth Elliot and Focus on the Family—and book-length rebuttals. If you go to church, don’t go to one that consistently gets this basic and important point of theology wrong. As it is, however, I have gratitude for his public stand against the tide.

Before she could console him as a friend, he pulled her into a passionate kiss. When Katherine was found shot at Wyndemere, Nikolas immediately accused Luke, but in actuality, it had been Stefan who pulled the trigger, thinking that there was an intruder on the island. During this time, Nikolas developed a close friendship with Luke’s sister nurse Bobbie Spencer. Bobbie later married Stefan, and Nikolas and Bobbie became closer. However, their friendship quickly ended after Nikolas discovered that Bobbie had betrayed Stefan. As Nikolas grew up, he developed a hatred for his mother and vowed that he would never trust her.

Theo Hart was revealed to be Valentin Cassadine — Mikkos’ illegitimate son and the most feared Cassadine. Valentin wanted what he believed was his birthright, so he forced Nikolas to sign over all claims to the Cassadine holdings then shot his nephew in the chest. Nikolas tumbled over the balcony and fell into the sea. Nikolas was presumed killed and his body washed out to sea. When Hayden’s mother, Naomi, arrived in town, Hayden revealed that the diamonds were missing.

Unfortunately, Nikolas and Ava’s marriage continued to hit a few rough patches. In in early 2021, Ava began to receive ominous gifts from an anonymous sender. Tensions between Spencer and his father were at an all-time high, especially when Victor Cassadine was revealed to be alive in the fall of 2021. Victor dropped the bombshell that Valentin was Victor’s son, and Valentin had been conceived during a brief affair between Victor and Helena. On January 20, Nikolas and Ava visited Spencer in France and when Nikolas revealed himself to be alive, he and Spencer shared a heartfelt hug. When Spencer asked where Nikolas had been, Nikolas revealed he’d been away plotting revenge on Valentin.

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